Thursday, August 9, 2007

So, What Did You Do Today?

I am still in Madison, WI today and I could not get out of bed this morning! I was so sore. I turned off the alarm and forgot about the 5 miles I was supposed to walk today. I figured if I did that much walking yesterday, surely I could skip this 5 miles.

Oh, the Catholic guilt, and on a practicing Catholic scale, I rate...well a .0005 (I like midnight Mass on Christmas Eve). Anyway, I got up, got ready for my session, went to the conference and attended many enjoyable sessions, and I walked back to the Hotel. Then, I had a bright idea that I would walk to an early dinner at this restaurant I saw in an information book that was an old church converted. Reservations were recommended, but who in their right mind would eat dinner at 3:30 PM except me? Well, I walked the measly 3 blocks, and there is was (again, when I explore I take no directions). BUT, it didn't look like a hopping place, so I just kept walking. I ended up in a part of town that was quite interesting. The homes remind me of New England. The homes that are at least 3 floors, separated into apartments, and are very close together. Charming.

I passed a co-op having their monthly meeting and party. Have to tell you that the watermelon appeared to look good as I was passing by. I finally hit a part of town that appeared as if I was on some sort of highway, so I made that my turning around place. It was right in front of Ace Hardware. That would be pretty easy to remember, so I could look up how far I walked when I got back.

I found a cute little locally owned kitchen shop. I bought a recipe stand (always wanted one of those), a trivet that spells HOT (I need reminding, ask Erik), and a magnet of a tan pug licking a black pug (sound familiar Honey? Michael My black pug baby boy hates it when Matty- my fawn pug baby girl licks him). Erik will see the humor, I think.

Next I stopped at a little Pizzeria that also sells ice cream. One of the things I wanted to try before leaving Wisconsin was the ice cream. I figured fresh has to taste the best. So, have to say it was pretty great.

Finally, I ended up walking to a German restaurant I saw when I began my trek. I knew I would come back. I cannot pass up a good Wiener Schnitzel, and since I walked so much, I knew it wouldn't go completely to the hips. I think the waitress wanted to feel bad for me, since I was alone, but since I talked for the entire hour to my mother on my cell, I think she just felt awkward. Who has dinner with their Mother via cell? Daughters who have therapy sessions with Mom, that's who. :)

So, today I supported the local economy, learned about distance education some more, and walked, again. Today, Mapquest told me I walked in what was supposed to take a Total Est. Time of 6 minutes (driving), a Total Est. Distance of 2.08 miles (each way). So, between the conference and the walking, I know I hit my 5 miles for the day. I am so very proud!

Talk to you later,


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