Sunday, August 12, 2007

The one day I don't wear pants....

So, Friday ended the conference I was attending, and we did not get a flight out of Madison until Saturday morning at 6:35 am. Both the coming and going were quite brutal on this trip at the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, intrigued by the water (don't see that much where I live), I decided a nice walk along one of the lakes would be lovely.
So, I embarked on yet another walking journey. I started out on the path designed for walking/biking. I met a nice woman with her kids, one of which was learning to ride her bike on two wheels. When she fell, she looked around for confirmation (other than her mother) that she was alright. I gave it to her. I like meeting native strangers.

I later met a man with a baby stroller, who asked me the time. I think that is funny since I never change my watch to the time zone I am in, and instead have to do the math in my head, after trying to remember what time zone I am in. I asked how far the trail went, and he said that to walk around the lake is about 12-14 miles. Okay, I thought to myself. I have to walk 20 for three days in a row, now is a good time to get past 10 miles, and enjoy the walk.

So, I kept going. Madison has very lovely parks! They are scattered everywhere in that city. It is quite amazing. And I will tell you what, I miss green! Brown is beautiful, but there is something about a green landscape. So, the only issue I found with the parks were the lack of bathrooms. Some had them, some not. When I really needed on, I found the "not" parks. I have to tell you that I am somewhat concerned about the actual walk days. I drink so much water, I seem to need the potty ever couple of miles. Thought the bladder was in better shape that this.

Anyway, I kept walking and somehow found myself in the middle of a residential area I could not get myself out of. I resorted to stopping a post man, who in order to get his attention, I stood in front of his truck. He thought he was in my way, so he proceeded to go around, but I said, "No, stop, I need your help." He gave me more directions, and told me the exact streets to take. But what I really wanted was someone to save me, and a postman was as good as any hero in my book.

Miles and miles later, I finally called Marcey. Marcey is the Provost and I's admin, and the girl is a miracle in my life. She organizes me, and I am pretty organized, but she make me that much better. We also attempt to carpool to save the environment, since we live in the same city. So, Marcey is in speed dial, and I call. I inform her of the story and the need for a taxi, because I am not sure if I walk anymore if I will be able to walk tomorrow, because I thought I would be sore. She called the Madison taxi cab, from Phoenix mind you, and gave them the location that I gave to her. Soon, the cab was there, and I was whisked back to the hotel. Oh, and there were 8 miles left to get back.

So, I walked for 4 hours, in the beautiful sun, with a cool wind blowing. The lake itself has 15 miles of shoreline (I wish natives would know all the facts before giving visitors advice). Mind you, the lake has no shoreline to walk, so this trek very may well have been over 20 miles. And you know what? After all that, I was not sore!!!!

What I was surprised about was the severe burns I received, with my legs taking the brunt. So, although I had no soreness from the walking, I still looked like a 90 year old woman trying to walk, while my pants rubbed up against the burnt skin. My arms, face, and neck were equally burnt, but for some reason they did not hurt.

Errrr..... the one day I didn't wear pants.


Thursday, August 9, 2007

So, What Did You Do Today?

I am still in Madison, WI today and I could not get out of bed this morning! I was so sore. I turned off the alarm and forgot about the 5 miles I was supposed to walk today. I figured if I did that much walking yesterday, surely I could skip this 5 miles.

Oh, the Catholic guilt, and on a practicing Catholic scale, I rate...well a .0005 (I like midnight Mass on Christmas Eve). Anyway, I got up, got ready for my session, went to the conference and attended many enjoyable sessions, and I walked back to the Hotel. Then, I had a bright idea that I would walk to an early dinner at this restaurant I saw in an information book that was an old church converted. Reservations were recommended, but who in their right mind would eat dinner at 3:30 PM except me? Well, I walked the measly 3 blocks, and there is was (again, when I explore I take no directions). BUT, it didn't look like a hopping place, so I just kept walking. I ended up in a part of town that was quite interesting. The homes remind me of New England. The homes that are at least 3 floors, separated into apartments, and are very close together. Charming.

I passed a co-op having their monthly meeting and party. Have to tell you that the watermelon appeared to look good as I was passing by. I finally hit a part of town that appeared as if I was on some sort of highway, so I made that my turning around place. It was right in front of Ace Hardware. That would be pretty easy to remember, so I could look up how far I walked when I got back.

I found a cute little locally owned kitchen shop. I bought a recipe stand (always wanted one of those), a trivet that spells HOT (I need reminding, ask Erik), and a magnet of a tan pug licking a black pug (sound familiar Honey? Michael My black pug baby boy hates it when Matty- my fawn pug baby girl licks him). Erik will see the humor, I think.

Next I stopped at a little Pizzeria that also sells ice cream. One of the things I wanted to try before leaving Wisconsin was the ice cream. I figured fresh has to taste the best. So, have to say it was pretty great.

Finally, I ended up walking to a German restaurant I saw when I began my trek. I knew I would come back. I cannot pass up a good Wiener Schnitzel, and since I walked so much, I knew it wouldn't go completely to the hips. I think the waitress wanted to feel bad for me, since I was alone, but since I talked for the entire hour to my mother on my cell, I think she just felt awkward. Who has dinner with their Mother via cell? Daughters who have therapy sessions with Mom, that's who. :)

So, today I supported the local economy, learned about distance education some more, and walked, again. Today, Mapquest told me I walked in what was supposed to take a Total Est. Time of 6 minutes (driving), a Total Est. Distance of 2.08 miles (each way). So, between the conference and the walking, I know I hit my 5 miles for the day. I am so very proud!

Talk to you later,


What Did You Do Yesterday?

What did I do yesterday you ask? Well, we ended up coming to Madison, WI a day too early for our distance education conference, so I made the best of it. I got up at 5:00 AM, went down to the Fitness Center, and walked my 3-miles as required by the training sheet. Oh, that was to make up for missing Tuesday since that was a travel day. I then swam for 15 miles in the hotel pool, for Wednesday's 15 minutes of cross-training. I decided it would be fun to get out and explore. I LOVE to explore new cities. So, I started my trek.

I started out finding my way to one of the lakes. However, Madison is not built like Greenlake in Seattle, so you can't walk around it. So, I took a picture (with my phone, forgot the camera), and went on my merry way, to what I suppose is Greek Row. Never was a Greek myself, so bonding with any of the summer students was out of the question. I think they only really like Greeks. Anyway, again I made my way. I started down State Street. If you ever find yourself in Madison, I suggest you make it a plan to see it. Very cute little shops. Definitely worth a trip.

So, at the end of State Street, is the University of Wisconsin. Since I was just at the University of Minnesota, I feel like a senior in high school again, visiting schools to determine which I want to attend. Oooopppsss, been there, done that and I have the school loans to prove it (yes Mom, I know you do too ).

So, I left State Street and ended up on University. Well, needless to say both University Street(?) and the University seem to go on forever. They have great public transportation here though, and all the bus stops have maps. Since I like to explore, I never bring directions with me. I figure out the general location and start walking. Miles and miles later, after seeing Starbucks after Starbucks, I find myself walking past a bagel factory. I know it is a factory because 1.) I can smell them, and 2.) I can see them. Yup, it was Laverne and Shirley with bagels instead of beer. They came right off that assembly line full speed ahead. I knew I had to remember this.

I kept walking until finally, University and Midvale appeared. I actually got giddy when I saw the intersection, because that is all I wrote down for my destination-

Yup, I walked what Mapquest said would take a Total Est. Time of 9 minutes and a Total Est. Distance of 3.56 miles to get to Macy's! Maybe they should sponsor my 3-Day!

So, after browsing and resting for a while, I think the humidity is like 60%, something I am totally not used to, I needed to head back. And YES, I stopped and had a bagel!

It was the best Veggie Bagel sandwich I ever had for lunch!

Talk to You Later!
History of Bagels Forever
In 1973, the bagel had arrived. Bagels Forever opened its first retail bagel bakery on University Avenue and brought the famous New York-style bagel to the college town of Madison, Wisconsin.

Today Bagels Forever bagels are sold in grocery stores throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest. The original bakery is still here, inviting visitors who drive down University Avenue to try any of our infinitely delicious bagel varieties.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Life is simple: Eat, Sleep, Walk(ing)

You know...I am really tired today for some reason. I just woke up that way, and never managed to move past it. My boss of three years recently decided to leave the University, and my new boss is someone I have known since I started working there. I am actually quite pleased with the transition, and the stress I anticipated has not come to fruition. Could that be making me tired?

Well, anyway...I decided since Erik had bandpractice tonight (no he's not in a band, but is producing and thus managing one) I would walk a lot. However, I think eating before walking might be a mistake. I seem to get air bubbles, and drinking gobs of water while walking, just makes me feel fuller. So, instead of emphatically walking, instead I feel like I am sleep walking.

So, I decided I would not walk the planned 6 miles and stop at 3, and make up the other 3 between Friday and Sunday. Also, have not shed any weight thus far, and the only thing I notice is my rock hard calves. Other then that, nothing.

Guess I will sleep walk to bed, and hope for a miracle tomorrow. :)

Talk to you later,
