Saturday, July 28, 2007

Keeping Up

Pictures: Me to the right, Amy below.

I am learning the difficulty with blogging, just as I have learned about everything else I have ever started....keeping up. I cannot believe just how many times I thought (while walking on the treadmill), "Oh...I need to update my blog," and I just kept walking. Before you know it, the next time I thought of it again, it was the next day, while walking. And then, before you know it, a week goes by and nothing is new on the blog. Mom, are you seeing a pattern?

Actually, I was really feeling bad, until I just checked Chris and Heather's blog, who haven't updated "Their Little Family" since June 19th. Now, I don't feel so bad. :)

Well, the good news is that I am walking. The week of residency, my friend Amy was such a sport and we walked at night (mostly to restaurants because Walden did not feed us dinner). However, when I weighed myself when I returned home, expecting to see improvement on my weight, I found the exact opposite. I GAINED 10 pounds. I cried. My husband thinks I have lost my mind. I am not sure I disagree.

Anyway, I cannot believe all the support I have received from all of you, and the people at work. With your help, I was able to raise the minimum requirement of 2,200 in a little over one week, and the fundraising continues. I am actually working on helping my teammates raise their money, because I want everyone to be able to participate in this fabulous event. AND, my friend Lisa says I am good at it, so why's not like it is not helping a lot of people. Besides, it satisfies my obsessive-compulsive side. Even though we have months to fund raise, I like it to be done, so I can move on to the next task- training.

Which leads me to my new commitment of keeping this up so you can see how I am doing in the training part. Tomorrow I will share the training schedule, compared to what and how I am doing. Maybe, if I am really brave, I will take before and after pictures, but I need to think about that. Seeing my size in a picture is not as cute as seeing a pregnant woman grow (that's for you Doreen). Nope, I only want to go down in weight at this point. I think the hard part is traveling so much. That tends to get me off schedule, and from now until at least November, it appears I will be spending a lot of time along the Mississippi.
Talk to you tomorrow!

1 comment:

BellaLovesPink said...

Even if you're not blogging regularly, glad to hear that your motivation (or is it OCD) is keeping you walking. Hope you had a good trip!