Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Utterly Distracted

I was doing so well! And then, life happened.

My friend Lisa and I had been working out consistently, and walking on the weekends for long walks. I was so proud. Then, it came time for me to go to my third residency for my doctoral program, and it went to pot again. I have got to get it together.

I was gone from Wednesday the 12th through Sunday the 16th. During that time, I had found a reasonably priced house with the square footage I wanted. On Sunday, Erik and I planned to go to the model, and Erik was not impressed. I get frustrated with "not impressed" because I feel blessed to have any house, let along a bigger house. On Sunday, our real estate agents asked us to meet them at a different house that had some of the items Erik felt missing on the other house.

I am in LOVE! The house happens to be in the area Erik and I wanted to live (although with the housing spike, homes were just too expensive). It has three garages, a porte cache, beautiful 8 foot french doors, a beautiful kitchen....well, everything we are looking for in a long term home. AND it has room to grow the family (hopefully), someday!

So, above is the elevation picture. I have real pictures of the house, but I think we packed the camera connector somewhere (we started packing because we should close by the end of October).
So, I (per my usual self) have now officially over-committed myself, and will manage the best I can. But don't worry. Lisa and I lifted weights yesterday, walked tonight, and plan to do the training walk on Saturday. After I get home, I HAVE to do my homework! And then maybe after that, I will pack some more. So, what happened to the balanced life?
Talk to you later.

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