Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Utterly Distracted

I was doing so well! And then, life happened.

My friend Lisa and I had been working out consistently, and walking on the weekends for long walks. I was so proud. Then, it came time for me to go to my third residency for my doctoral program, and it went to pot again. I have got to get it together.

I was gone from Wednesday the 12th through Sunday the 16th. During that time, I had found a reasonably priced house with the square footage I wanted. On Sunday, Erik and I planned to go to the model, and Erik was not impressed. I get frustrated with "not impressed" because I feel blessed to have any house, let along a bigger house. On Sunday, our real estate agents asked us to meet them at a different house that had some of the items Erik felt missing on the other house.

I am in LOVE! The house happens to be in the area Erik and I wanted to live (although with the housing spike, homes were just too expensive). It has three garages, a porte cache, beautiful 8 foot french doors, a beautiful kitchen....well, everything we are looking for in a long term home. AND it has room to grow the family (hopefully), someday!

So, above is the elevation picture. I have real pictures of the house, but I think we packed the camera connector somewhere (we started packing because we should close by the end of October).
So, I (per my usual self) have now officially over-committed myself, and will manage the best I can. But don't worry. Lisa and I lifted weights yesterday, walked tonight, and plan to do the training walk on Saturday. After I get home, I HAVE to do my homework! And then maybe after that, I will pack some more. So, what happened to the balanced life?
Talk to you later.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Bad Jennifer!

Okay, okay...so you must be missing my sense of humor by now, because a little birdie just reminded me that my blog is quite old. I know, I know...I let myself go. Literally!
I came back from Madison with a severe sunburn. I still have the burn lines to prove it. That gave me an excuse to skip a few days, since I was walking like a 97 year old woman. That lasted until Wendesday of the next week. Then, it was just easy to let the week roll into the next. Chris, Heather, Rose, and Nathan were also here, so I think we should give me a little credit. I think there were a couple of mall walks in there.
Then, the next week, I was tired. Erik and I don't have kids, so that was a rewarding experience. However, to go from no kids to 2 kids took energy, and we are old people at our age. :) They reminded us we need to get a life.
So, that brings me to last week. Over the memorial day weekend, I took part in 2 walks....one walk was 14.5 miles on Sunday and the other on Monday of 10 miles. I made it....although I am quite concerned about the potty breaks, and whether my bladder will burst after drinking all this water!

I was able to use my Camelbak, which is a backpack that also holds 2 liters of water that you suck out of a long straw. It is really cool, and if Erik and I ever go camping after this, it will come in handy.
Also, my friends from work and I are planning to hike the Grand Canyon early next year. So, immediately after we finish our 3-day, we will begin training hikes to prepare for that. I am sooooo excited! I think that will be really fun.
Also, my friend Lisa and I are playing biggest loser to keep us going. Whoever loses the most amount of inches by the day before the 3-day walk will win $100.00 (technically 50.00 since I have to put up 50.00 to start with).
On a side note, I am also going to start taking piano lessons. I type pretty fast, so I think I will be a natural at it. After all these years, I don't have to look at the keys anymore. I love the piano, and I can't wait to learn to play it. We have a Yamaha Grand piano being delivered in the next couple days, and outside of not having any room for it, I cannot wait to dink.
See, Nathan and Rose....Auntie Jenn is working on getting a life. :)
P.S.- Work is even great. They are adding additional staff to help. After quickly putting aside my ego (the new person is a level higher than me), I realized that they love me so much, they don't want my head to explode, so help is on the way. :) Life is REALLY good!